Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is it safe for a pregant women to take a bath in epsom salt?

Yup. I take one at least once a week, it helps me relax and helps with the back pain to just sit there and soak.

Walmart has some aromatherapy stuff that smells really good and makes you all tingly.Is it safe for a pregant women to take a bath in epsom salt?
Yes you can. Epsom Salts are a safe and really effective way to keep yourself free from unwanted toxins during pregnancy. Their nurturing and drawing effect upon the body is by no means harmful to your pregnancy as long as you use safe amounts of salts in your bath. During pregnancy I would recommend 1/2 to 1 cup of salts in a bath once a week. Dry Skin Brushing is also a very safe and effective way to keep toxins at bay during pregnancy.

NOTE: It is recommended to wait until after the 12 week of your pregnancy before trying anything new - wait for your pregnancy to settle.Is it safe for a pregant women to take a bath in epsom salt?
Oh congratulations you are pregnant!.

And yes it is perfectly safe.

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